Jason (a former California Highway Patrol officer) talks about what happens if your child vanishes, and what steps you can take now to protect your child BEFORE an emergency:
A missing child is one of the most terrifying things any parent can imagine. Unfortunately, over 1,600 children are reported missing every single day. We talked with a former member of the California Highway Patrol about what the experience is like initially communicating with authorities about your missing child, and how you can prepare ahead of time to make that process as quick as possible so they can find your child.

Sumner Photography has parterned with AcadeMap to bring you tools to protect your family. All our schools and parents have access to the AcadeMap mobile app, which has a built-in Safety ID Card system called IDcircle. To learn more about how IDcircle can bring you peace of mind, visit www.idcircle.com